A lollipop that doesn’t suck If you are looking for a big impressive looking microphone, you will probably not be interested in the Audix SCX-25. On the other hand, if you are looking for a big-sounding microphone that can fit where other microphones could never go, the SCX-25 might be just what you are looking for. The SCX-25 represents the… Read more →
Category: Microphone Reviews
M-Audio Pulsar II Microphone (Stereo Pair)
M-Audio is a company that is present and accounted for at virtually all parts of the recording process. Need an interface, pair of studio monitors, control surface, pocket sized recorder, or perhaps some microphones? They’ve got you covered. One would have to think that experience gleaned in one product area might very well translate to other product areas, bringing the… Read more →
Shure KSM9 Microphone
It’s difficult to admit, but the truth is that some “legacy” products still in common usage just aren’t up to the heightened expectations of today’s performers. That’s not to say that they’re bad products, only that they have been eclipsed in performance by more recent products. Let’s also keep in mind the increasing sophistication of today’s consumers who (mp3’s aside)… Read more →
Studio Projects CS5 Microphone
Freedom of choice is a beautiful thing, whether we are talking about the right to pursue happiness, the ability to drive an inefficient car, or perhaps just having a microphone with five patterns, four low pass filters, four high pass filters, and four level pads. Freedom of assembly is great, but please don’t forget my shock mount and a flight… Read more →